Friday, 20 December 2013

Potongan Harga Menyambut Natal

The biggest shopping season bagi Eropa dan Amerika adalah bulan Desember menjelang hari Natal. Pada jangka waktu sebulan sebelum hari Natal, para produsen dan penjual seolah berebut mengiklankan bahwa barang dagangannya lah yang paling murah, untuk menarik pembeli. Dan itu bukan hanya sekedar basa-basi, tapi memang harga barang-barang tertentu benar-benar diturunkan hingga melewati 50% dari harga yang biasa mereka jual. Tak jarang produk tertentu sulit didapat karena pembeli juga membludak. Namanya juga the biggest shopping season. Yang paling laris biasanya mainan anak-anak, karena para orang tua ingin membahagiakan anaknya pada hari Natal dengan membelikan mainan yang sangat diinginkan anaknya. Sudah tradisi. Produk laris berikutnya adalah asesoris Natal, pakaian, makanan.

 Indonesia, meskipun mayoritas penduduknya adalah Muslim, namun tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa musim ini juga musim belanja di Indonesia, selain bulan puasa menjelang Idul Fitri. Spanduk-spanduk dan iklan-iklan produk sudah nangkring di mana-mana. Pusat-pusat perbelanjaan sudah dihias sedemikian rupa dengan tema Natal dan Tahun Baru. Potongan harga juga sudah nempel di kaca-kaca etalase, mulai dari potongan kecil, hingga potongan 70%, bahkan ada yang potong 70%+20%, luar biasa. Semua pedagang tak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini, mereka siap menguras kantong pembeli untuk membeli semua barang yang ditawarkan. Konsumer juga tak kalah heboh, seakan takut kehabisan barang-barang yang diinginkannya, cart belanjanya pun dijejal dengan barang-barang kebutuhannya, bahkan barang yang tak dibutuhkan pun dibeli karena mumpung harganya murah. Itu lah daya tarik shopping season dengan potongan harganya.

Di pasar e-commerce, tak kalah menarik. Pakaian, alat elektronik, HP, laptop, tablet, parfum, tas, alat kecantikan, semua dijual dengan 'harga coret', atau potongan harga. Di pasar e-commerce, produsen dan reseller besar dunia semacam Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, memberikan harga khusus untuk 'musim belanja' ini. Pada skala lokal dan regional, toko online dan reseller Indonesia juga menawarkan hal yang sama. Yubi Store misalnya, menuliskan di halaman depannya "Promo harga coret. Diskon sampai dengan 50%". Toko One memberikan link "Sale" pada halaman depannya, bila kita gerakkan kursor di atas link tersebut, langsung muncul dropdown menu daftar harga barang-barang yang dikenakan diskon atau potongan harga. Lazada, melancarkan promo besar-besaran dengan menuliskan di halaman depannya "season's greeting, Christmas and New Year. Save up to 70%". Khusus untuk tabulet, Lazada membuat banner "diskon besar-besaran" di halaman depan. Berikut kami berikan daftar barang-barang yang dikenakan potongan harga oleh ketiga toko online tersebut:


Diskon 20% sampai 50%

  1. Tabulet Octa Q4 diskon 20% (stok habis, cek lain hari!)
  2. Tabulet Tabs Voice diskon 26%
  3. Tabulet Octa Duos 3G diskon  27%
  4. Tabulet TS101 dual sims + hadiah gratis diskon 31%
  5. Tabulet Tabz Z10 40%
  6. Tabulet Beat DS + hadiah gratis diskon 42%
  7. Tabulet TS201 dua sims + hadiah gratis diskon 45%
  8. LCD Sharp 32LE240 32" diskon 42%
  9. Nikon Coolpix L820 diskon 26%
  10. Nikon Coolpix S4400 diskon 39%  
  11. Dell XPS 12 Ultrabook diskon 23%
  12. Samsung Galaxy Grand i9082 diskon 20%
  13. Kirin Oven Electric diskon 29%
  14. Nikon Coolpix S3400 diskon 34%
  15. Olympus E-P3 diskon 47%
  16. Pentax K-30 diskon 30%
  17. Fujifilm Finepix T400 diskon 36%
  18. Gap Core Eau de Toilette diskon 43%
  19. Olympus VR 330 diskon 48%
  20. Canon Powershot A2500 diskon 23%

Diskon 50% sampai 70%

Toko One:

Kacamata Polarized Sporty diskon 23%

Catatan: Produk-produk di atas tersedia dalam jumlah sangat terbatas dan dalam waktu yang juga terbatas. Anda akan masuk ke dalam website dimana produk tersebut dijual bila mengklik nama produk. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi anda.

lazada lazada

Saturday, 20 April 2013


One unlucky day I found my PC did some errors. It run really slow. I used to listen to a music while do some works on my PC. Not as usual, that day when I opened a music player it took a quite long time to be executed. I left the player and began to work, not being concious about what had happened to my machine. I searched some materials from google search engine and started writing. I felt that my PC run slow when doing searching on the net, but i was thinking that the problem was the speed of the internet. I came to realize that there was a problem with my PC when I did typing on Microsoft Office Words. After typing some words, the characters that I typed did not appear immidiately as if the PC was doing a heavy works. WHen I had finished typing a word or two, then the character began to appear slowly one by one. I suspected the my PC could be infected by viruses.

Commondly I run the anti-virus and it will detects some threats, repairs or delets some files and the problem is over. On that unlucky day, my anti-virus detected some files to be infected by certain worms and trojans, the system tried to repair the files but was unsuccessful, then it tries to remove those particular files but the system would detected any new infection and the number was double from those which had been deleted. I thought the anti-virus might not up to date, so I run the update which came to a fail. I concluded that my anti-virus could be already infected so it would be useless to run that free software. A friend of mine suggested me to download another new anti-virus because I must not rely on the available anti-virus. on hearing the suggestion I took an action without any delay, but unfortunately, after installing the program something had happened. the new anti-virus that just been installed had been infected too. You can imagine how desperate I was at that time.

The happy day came when a friend suggested me to try STOPzilla. STOPzilla AVM protects the user's computer from various dangerous viruses and malware. The latest version, STOPzilla AVM 2013 is reported to be slowing down the PC performance during the full scan is conducted but actually you can set it to quick scan if you don't have much time, or you can schedule when you want the task will take effect, so that the scan tasks will run when it is convenient. I used the free trial one because I was afraid that it would be similar like the anti-virus that I had installed priorly, surely I don't want to waste my money without any guarantee.

Now it is proven that STOPzilla really works. When I run the full system scan, it detected some infected files and quarantine all these files so they can no longer endanger my PC. Yes right, I can not remove those malicious program from my PC untill I register and pay the sum of the price. I will register soon, and I suggest you to buy STOPzilla's full version because the price is quite fair and affordable. What makes me recommend you to buy this software is just because it can solve my problem that I told you before. Other anti-viruses that I had used get itself infected when installed but STOPzilla can be installed in the condition that an infection has already occurred, without getting itself infected.Why so? because it uses a multi-layered defense system, utilizing both heuristic and behavioral detection. It consistently removes stuff that other anti-viruses and anti-malwares software did not.